В последнее время выпускных и последних звонков стали бояться больше, чем Дня ВДВ. Почему? На этот вопрос ответит следующая красочная фотоподборка.
Чем эти девчули хуже бравых ВДВ-шников?
Выпускницы напрасно не взяли с собой купальники
Вы точно на последний звонок попали, а не в публичный дом?
Прекрасная растяжка. Только это не спортзал, а ты не в спортивной форме
Брутальные фотосессии. Скоро в каждом городе
«Вот так я подняла класс не только в успеваемости»
Лучше бы за косичку дернул!
Брутальные бородатые выпускницы настолько суровы…
Вот уж кому не понравилось учиться
«Я злой демон выпускного. Буду встречать рассвет вместе с вами»
Нынешние школьницы порой вызывают недоумение. Но чаще шок
Выпускной бал всегда считался событием, на котором можно продемонстрировать красивый вечерний наряд и предстать перед одноклассниками в непривычном гламурном образе. Но когда смотришь на некоторых выпускниц, в голову невольно приходит мысль, что нынешнее поколение окончательно сошло с ума, превратив выпускной в эротическое шоу.
Зачем ехать в Лас-Вегас или Таиланд? Пожалуйте на наш выпускной!Ну, зато нижнее белье на месте. Всем хорошо видно?
«Я к вам на часок, а потом на работу бегу!»
«Шампанское есть? А если найдем?»
Это разве не шоу двойников Кристины Агилеры?
«Не знаю, почему они так на тебя уставились, Саш. Платье вроде по размеру»
Сетки и шнуровки мало не бывает
Мой кумир – кукла Барби
«Леди мармелад» во всей своей красе
Нет, это не комбинация, а вечернее платье!
Городская сумасшедшая выглядит примерно так
«Я у мамы солнышко!»
«В ателье сказали, что красный очень подходит моим глазам».
«Трусы? Какие еще трусы?»
Лазурная мечта прибыла!
Ткани хватило только на такое платье
«Ксюха, кажется, пляж в другой стороне»
А все эти годы была такой тихоней…
Эскорт в латексе прибыл и занял оборонительно-соблазнительную позицию
Эми Вайнхаус жива! Их даже три
«Я что, зря неделю в солярии жила что ли?»
«Никуда вы, мальчики уже не денетесь»
Зато платье длинное
«Меня распирает от счастья. Хоть бы платье выдержало»
«Дженнифер Лопез можно, а мне нельзя?»
«Звонит продюсер Валентин. После выпускного будет делать из меня звезду»
Вот уж кого не ожидали увидеть здесь, так это солиста Tokyo Hotel на каблуках.
Чулки не спадают, но сзади слегка поддувает
Дурдом организованно гуляет по городу под присмотром взрослых
«Кажется, подруга, мы с тобой слегка переборщили. А, нет, только ты»
«Что значит слишком экстравагантно?»
«Вы еще скажите, что у меня волосы синие!»
«Или что я похожа на клумбу!»
Надо с людей оплату брать за совместное фото.
«Никакого стыда, никакого платьица. И уже нет мне разницы…»
Выпускницы 2019 года (19 фото)
В конце прошлой неделе в российских школах, гимназиях и лицеях прошли «последние звонки» для 9-х и 11-х классов. Давайте посмотрим на фотографии симпатичных девушек-выпускниц, сделанные на данных мероприятиях.
Вот и отгремели в нашем городе последние выпускные балы. Всего в этом году из стен владивостокских школ во взрослую жизнь вошли 2735 юношей и девушек. И, конечно, в тот самый последний день в школе, забыв о форме, девочки надевают свои самые красивые наряды.
— Юлька, какая ты сегодня необыкновенно красивая! – мальчишки из выпускного класса 56-й школы не могут скрыть восхищения, завидев нарядную одноклассницу.
Юля в ответ с удовольствием кружится, демонстрируя свое роскошное платье. Спустя несколько минут – очередной десант красоток. Прически, яркий макияж, в общем, все, что нужно выпускного бала. Девочки заметно волнуются в ожидании реакции своих одноклассников.
— У меня даже губы трясутся, – признается невысокая яркая блондинка с длинной косой, в которую едва заметно вплетены цветы. – Скорее бы уже все закончилось.
— А я на каблуках не могу устоять. Туфли такие неудобные, — жалуется яркая брюнетка в красном облегающем наряде на 12-сантиметровых шпильках, а потом добавляет. — Зато красивые!
Общий принцип, которым руководствовались выпускницы, выбирая платья, – ничего лишнего. Большинство девочек нарядились в платья-бюстье длиной чуть выше колен. А кто-то и вовсе рискнул оголить ножки, подрезав длину наряда у портних.
Юля: назад в 50-е

Назад в 50-е
Кажется, девушка явно находится под впечатлением от фильма «Стиляги». Юле такой образ очень подходит. Вот только босоножки на низком каблуке стоило оставить дома, а вместо них надеть классические лодочки.
Катя: нежный фиолетовый для роковой брюнетки

Нежный фиолетовый для роковой брюнетки
Образ ассоциируется с цветением майской сирени. Сиреневый цвет девушке определенно к лицу, да и туфли подобраны замечательно.
Катя: девушка в красном, как вы прекрасны!

Девушка в красном, как вы прекрасны!
В своем алом платье Катя явно не останется без кавалера. А распущенные волосы вместо привычных для выпускниц замков на голове смотрятся очень романтично.
Настя: к русским традициям

К русским традициям.
Стилист Насти постарался на славу. Такая роскошная коса привлечет внимание любого и, несомненно, подходит красавице. Вот только бежевое платье на фоне яркого блонда как-то затерялось, а потому общая картина получилась бледноватой. Да и об аксессуарах стоит задуматься: зеленый браслет светлых оттенков совсем не вяжется с образом Насти.
Катя: в стиле Baby doll

в стиле Baby doll
Романтичное в этом образе буквально все – от цвета платья до небрежных локонов. Выбранный стиль Baby doll одновременно нежный, невинный, но в то же время очень соблазнительный.
Настя: небесная красавица

Небесная красавица
Голубое платье и серебристые босоножки – неизменное сочетание. Да и брюнетке Насте такие оттенки, несомненно, подходят. А вот макияжу и прическе девочке надо было уделить больше внимания.

Выпускники Владивостока 2011
Выпускница одной из школ города Павлоград (Днепропетровская область, Украина) стала настоящей супер интернета. Все благодаря ее слишком откровенном выпускном платье.
В кружевном платье, через которую просвечивается нижнее белье, в чулках и красных туфлях на высоких каблуках, девушка из Павлограда пришла на последний звонок.
Выпускницу зову Анастасия Фоменко. Дата рождения: 20 сентября 1994 г.
Мама скандальной выпускницы работает в павлоградской школе № 15 учительницей украинского языка и литературы.
А вот уже пошли и приколы по нету с фоток скандальной украинской выпускницы Насти.
Далее приличные фото выпускницы 2012 Насти. Если их можно назвать приличными конечно.
Ну и просто фото другой выпускницы 2012, тоже не обычные немного.
Настя Фоменко – Голая Выпускница 2012 (Видео 2)
Настя Фоменко – Голая Выпускница 2012 (Видео 3)
Настя Фоменко – Голая Выпускница 2012 (Видео 4)
Настя Фоменко – Голая Выпускница 2012 (Видео 5)
Из за внезапно обрушившейся на павлоградскую выпускницу популярности в связи в ее пикантными фото с выпускного, она удалила свои странички в социальных сетях.
Хотя страничка мамы до сих пор существует: http://vk.com/id173085256
+ есть страничка самой Насти, но неизвестно клон или настоящая: http://vk.com/nasty.parcelyanova
Даже Андрей Малахов написал в своем твиттере о платье скандальной выпускницы: https://twitter.com/#!/a_malahov/status/202281903846473728/photo/1
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Вот такие нынче выпускницы ))).
http://moneyseo.info/?p=9240 – тут все фото и видео скандальной выпускницы 2012 Насти Фоменко (фото и видео Анастасии Фоменко из Павлограда).
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90000 New collection of evening dresses 2019 is available wholesale 90001 90002 New collection of evening dresses 2019 is available wholesale: meet the collection 90003 90004 The trends of 2019 in evening fashion are clearly presented by the fashionable Ukrainian brand Vasylkov in its current collection of the season. It was developed by the company’s designers for girls and women who aspire to shine at any event or celebration, to strike everyone around with their beauty. Bright fabrics, V-neck plunge or openwork semitransparent corsets, wing-shaped sleeves, buttoned backs, cutouts on shoulders and much more — this is what makes the collection stylish and interesting.90005 90004 You can get acquainted with the collection in detail by looking through the catalog photos. You will see that each dress of the brand embodies trends of the fashion industry and skill of various professionals, representing a small fashion masterpiece. Short evening dresses with puffy playful skirts or stunning full dresses with trains and contrasting decoration — you will be presented options for every taste. 90005 90004 Therefore, enjoy presentation of the collection on the company’s website and place a wholesale order with delivery for top salons and boutiques of holiday clothes.You no longer have to worry about what kind of evening dresses are in fashion — in the online store of the brand you will find trendy models of the current season. 90005 90002 Excellent outfits by TM Vasylkov: features of the collection 90003 90004 While reviewing the collection, each experienced buyer should pay attention to the following elements, which make the presented collection special, namely: 90005 90014 90015 flying wide designer sleeves; 90016 90015 bright single-color fabrics or beautiful fabrics with floral prints; 90016 90015 decoration with fringed beaded threads; 90016 90015 ontrasting embroidery and appliqués; 90016 90015 double-layer skirts; 90016 90015 numerous corset options; 90016 90015 asymmetrical design, etc.90016 90029 90004 You may be excited by any model — a model with a bustier corset and a full skirt, a model with bright prints and velor top, or other new models of evening dresses 2019. Short and long dresses with full skirts, dresses of semitransparent fabrics , decorated with shiny silver patterns, A-line dress with one shoulder strap and a slit, with flowing long sleeves and lowered shoulders, with velvet cuffs and black contrasting appliques — you can choose any. But, whatever you prefer, visitors of your evening fashion salons and boutiques will certainly appreciate the chic selection of textiles, exclusive design and designer decoration.90005 90002 Why do you need to order excellent outfits from the famous brand for your salons? 90003 90004 Vasylkov offers you to buy stylish women’s evening dresses 2019 wholesale from the manufacturer. By placing an order for models from the collection, you will not only receive a product of European quality, but also be able to significantly increase the number of your regular clients. 90005 90004 Thus, the brand guarantees: 90005 90014 90015 incredibly beautiful outfits; 90016 90015 continuously updated range; 90016 90015 reasonable prices and excellent service.90016 90029 90004 Wholesale buyers and partners can order options they like directly from the site or seek help from the company’s managers. They will in the shortest possible time provide all the necessary information, help you place an order, explain benefits of cooperation, payment and delivery details. 90005 90002 Hot new models 2019 — the brand looks for cooperation! 90003 90004 The domestic brand offers to buy elegant evening dresses — fashionable and popular — wholesale.Contrasting colors and decoration, gorgeous flower patterns, original design of sleeves, neckline, skirt bottoms, interesting elements, bright decorations with appliqués, beads, sequins, luxurious embroidery. Delivery to anywhere in Ukraine, to the countries of Europe, America. Place an order on the website and successfully develop your fashion business together with the brand! 90005.90000 How to Dress in India: the Ultimate Dos and Donts 90001 90002 When I left for India, long before I knew about travel blogging, I had to ask «Does anyone know someone who backpacked India?» around a lot. I had so many questions! I did not know how to dress in India at all. 90003 90002 Whether it was doing yoga, going hiking, walking around markets, I wanted to know what to wear in India. Fast forward five years later, and I’ve traveled the jungles, cities, mountains, beaches, and more — all while trying to do it in in style.Here’s all that I’ve learned on what to wear in India to be most respectful and stylish. 90003 90006 Is India Conservative? 90007 90002 Yes, India is conservative. However, there are so many different style icons and types of fashion here just like anywhere else. Not all popular styles keep the woman covered up as you would imagine as a traditional dress in India. 90003 90002 Some saris cover everything up nice and neat while some let it hang out. Some are super sexy, and some more conservative.90003 90002 You might see the lower half of a bunch of women’s boobs. Truly. In Rajasthan, I saw plenty. I’ve been told it’s just normal to air out and keep cool. And no, it’s not the young women who do it; it’s their great grandmas. No one stared or thought it was strange. 90003 90002 You’re definitely going to see some big ol ’round bellies sticking out from saris, as well as open backs due to tiny blouses under the sari. The wrap part of the sari actually shows off quite a lot. I mean, have you seen a Bollywood film? 90003 90002 90017 90003 90006 Do women just wear saris all day? 90007 90002 Definitely not! The younger (and sometimes more privileged) kids here in India are the ones dressing more «westernized.It’s not because of Bollywood either. It’s Hollywood, Victoria’s Secret models, and 90022 Vogue India 90023 showing ads of westernized fashion. It was bound to happen as Western life has become intriguing to India’s young women. Lots of more wealthy kids go abroad for university, so they obviously blend their lifestyles. 90003 90002 In Mumbai and Delhi, girls are wearing club dresses at night and clothes they get abroad from 90026 Urban Outfitters 90027 or even unconventional, more modern Indian designers.Even in the far Northeast of India, the girls there were in skinny jeans. (Try some 90026 Levi’s 90027 or 90026 Topshop Jamie Jeans 90027!) 90003 90002 With H & M, Forever 21, Zara, Fossil, and more Western stores opening, the fashion here is changing and evolving. I’ve met loads of unique, local designers. Some of my favorites: 90003 90035 90036 90026 Tia 90027 for a beachy, European style 90039 90036 90026 FARA 90027 for boho-chic pieces 90039 90036 90026 Doe Designs 90027 for modern Indian pieces 90039 90048 90002 There is this idea that Indians all dress traditionally all the time.Only a small percentage don’t- but the reason it seems that way is because India has such a MASSIVE population. Most working city girls dress just like you or I do. 90003 90002 90017 90003 90002 90022 We shot this in Udaipur for TIA’s newest collection at the time, shop here for more. 90023 90003 90006 What’s the dress code in India for tourists? 90007 90002 As a westerner, you have a fine line to straddle. You do not want to dress like a «backpacker» with cargo pants or a stereotypical Ali Baba pants (although let’s be real, they are awesome and I totally did a few years ago).90003 90002 On my first night out in Mumbai, I put on a past-the-knee skirt, a t-shirt, and Chacos. Meanwhile, the other Indian girls put on high heels and short tight dresses! I sighed thinking, «Crap, I did NOT pack right for this trip». 90003 90002 You also do not want to dress in a way that would offend. While short, tight dresses are fine for going out at night in the city, they’re 90022 not 90023 appropriate for places like the Taj Mahal or even walking around the markets during the day.90003 90002 Overall, dress like you’d normally do, while erring on the side of conservative. I find that because I do not dress in typical tourist clothes, people assume I live in India, and I am not ripped off or left dealing with negotiations. The list of dos and don’ts below will help you pick out what to pack. 90003 90002 If you want to know where I shop for my travel clothes, I have a post on that you can read here. If you want to see sample outfits to wear in India, here are the 13 exact outfits that I wore on my last trip to Rajasthan.In the meantime, here are some brands I’ve worn all the time in India and more conservative countries! 90003 90072 90006 Clothes to Wear in India: My Favorite Brands 90007 90002 90026 Urban Outfitters 90027 — Over all they have a really great selection! I often browse their pants, maxi dresses, tops, and jumpsuits sections since a lot of the styles work perfectly for India. (90026 This jumpsuit 90027 for example would be cute with something over top) 90003 90002 90026 TIA 90027 — You can check out my post to learn more about her or check out her Etsy page here.90003 90002 90026 FARA 90027 — I also wrote a post about them, and they’re on Etsy as well. 90003 90002 90026 Free People 90027 — Free People is my favorite brand, but, of course, they can be kind of pricey! I always keep an eye on them for sales and such since their clothes are so beautiful. If you’re not familiar with US department stores, Free People is stocked in many of them as well, and they often have their own, separate sales. Check out Nordstrom, REVOLVE, and Shopbop if you have specific pieces in mind.90003 90002 90026 Top Shop Jamie Jeans 90027 — I have these in ripped black, indigo, and green. They are the best fitting high rise jeans I’ve ever found. Check out their whole selection here. 90003 90002 Chacos — As far as shoes go, these the best if you’re traveling and doing a lot of different activities. You can check out my full buying guide here. 90003 90099 90006 How to Dress in India: the Dos and the Don’ts 90007 90002 Keep in mind, most of this will not apply to Goa. There’s a reason I think of Goa as its own little island! You can wear what you want here, like bikinis at the beach.90003 90002 Also, this list is my opinion based on 6 years of traveling around the country. Plus I have plenty of Indian girlfriends who have helped me with what’s «okay» and what’s not! 90003 90106 DO NOT 90107 90106 Wear your yoga pants out in public unless you are wearing a long shirt to cover your bum. 90107 90002 That’s just too much curve. It’s the LEGS that Indian women traditionally cover, so this will really put men into a tizzy and make women give you disapproving looks. I have to say I do this now in Goa and at airports- but do as I say, not as I do haha 90003 90002 90017 This is from my Bali trip, but you get the idea with the stylish pants! 90003 90106 DO 90107 90106 Wear stylish harem pants.90107 90002 They hang low on the butt and are really comfortable. After a couple of times wearing them, they feel normal instead of odd. Go for solids like black, khaki, and green then maybe throw in one pair of crazy ones. 90003 90002 You can usually find cute ones at Urban Outfitters, Anthropologie, or Free People. 90026 This style 90027 is pretty simple and cute as are 90026 these 90027 if you want a fun print. 90003 90106 DO 90107 90106 Allow barely-there cleavage. 90107 90002 As in barely ANY because if you show too much you’ll be stared at and offend other women.But keep in mind that Indian women ARE showing cleavage. Many saris bring attention to the boobs and are low cut. I do not have the problem of having giant knockers, but if you do, do not pop them up higher. 90003 90002 90017 90003 90106 DO NOT 90107 90106 Be afraid of a shirt that swoops down in the back or has an open back. 90107 90002 Women in India often show their backs in saris, so an open back shirt will not draw you any attention and can add to your packing options. 90003 90002 90017 90003 90106 DO 90107 90106 Go ahead and wear v-neck shirts.90107 90002 Indian men are not animals, regardless of what the media says, and a v-neck usually is not much lower than another shirt! I love the v neck’s from 90026 ASOS 90027, my favorite online shop. 90003 90002 90026 H & M 90027 also has some nice, basic V neck shirts as does 90026 Everlane. 90027 90003 90106 DO 90107 90106 Wear jeans. 90107 90002 There was an Indian politician that basically said that girls who wear jeans are «asking for it», so yes there is this mentality with old traditional people.However, all my girlfriends and even my housekeeper wear jeans all the time. Girls here DO wear skinny jeans (the young ones), and I have seen this in bustling Delhi or in rural Arunachal Pradesh. 90003 90002 I go for high-waisted and usually wear something that has a long back to it to cover my bum if the jeans are really tight, like a baggy sweater or hi-lo t-shirt. I either wear my black high waisted «Jamie» skinny jeans or my Levis constantly. 90003 90106 DO NOT 90107 90106 Wear mini-skirts (but it does not have to be to the ankle either).90107 90002 You can wear skirts that go to the knee, as long as they are not tight pencil skirts paired with a tiny top too. That’s a little much. If you want to wear a skirt that goes to the knee, keep it loose, and wear a decent top with it. 90003 90106 DO NOT 90107 90106 Wear shorts unless you’re in Goa. 90107 90002 I’ll be the first to admit my Indian girlfriends do wear them all the time whenever they want even in Delhi but off the main streets. They are Indian and get fewer stares in general, and can also tell someone in Hindi to eff off for bothering them.I wear shorts in Goa just like everyone else, but nowhere else in India. 90003 90106 DO 90107 90106 Wear shoes with platforms. 90107 90002 This will help keep your outfits cleaner at the bottom. 90003 90002 90022 These are from James Smith 90023 90003 90006 DO 90007 90106 Wear maxi skirts! 90107 90002 They work so well here. I always travel with one cotton one (you know the cheap ones from H & M that come in every color) that is thick and not at all see-through. Places like Kohls and Topshop should also have some affordable options.90003 90002 They are comfortable for travel but can be dressed up with gladiator sandals and a crop top is need be. I also take a few adorable 90026 Free People style maxi skirts 90027. Although dresses are easier to travel with, I like that with skirts you can mix and match and wear little tops you buy on your travels paired with them. 90003 90006 DO 90007 90106 Wear tank tops. 90107 90002 There are traditional Indian tops that are shoulder-less but girls wear a scarf with them … the thing is the scarf draped around their neck, still leaving shoulders bare.I do not find this to be a problem. Indian friends assure me that traditional salwar or churidar’s can be sleeveless and it’s the all the same in their eyes. 90003 90006 DO NOT 90007 90106 Combine all the «barely appropriate» items into one outfit. 90107 90002 Now you’ve gone too far. 90003 90006 DO 90007 90106 Take a scarf. 90107 90002 If you wear a tank top and you realize maybe it is showing more than you thought, cover up. Even better, always cover up until you get to your destination then take off your scarf.You can easily find a light scarf on Amazon. 90003 90006 DO 90007 90106 Realize crop tops are totally ok! 90107 90002 That belly of yours? It can be shown to anyone! I see 100 Indian bellies every day in every city in India. Fat ones, skinny ones, in between. Does not matter; they’re showing them off! Keep in mind, all the big bellies will make you feel skinny. They’ll make you think you can eat way more than you should. When you get back to your home country, you’ll realize «shit, I’ve put on some weight!» 90003 90002 90017 90003 90006 DO 90007 90106 Layer on the jewelry! 90107 90002 Gold is your new best friend and gemstones are abundant.Unlike the US or UK, you do not really pose any risk of looking gaudy. Did you know Indian Housewives own 11% of the world’s gold !? 90003 90002 I love to buy 90026 travel jewelry on Etsy 90027. It’s one of my favorite online shops & I search for things like coordinate jewelry, travel quote jewelry, etc and layer on leather bracelets and anklets! 90003 90006 DO 90007 90106 Realize that this is based on visiting tourist cities in India. 90107 90002 From Udaipur to Mumbai, and Bangalore, to Calcutta.You can dress how you wish. In Goa, anything goes. BUT in tiny villages where they NEVER see a westerner, even Indian city girls would never go in dressed showing skin. 90003 90002 Most likely, you will not go to these places. These are the kind of places that would not even have a hotel or restaurant, not typical «off the tourist trail places.» If you’re visiting these kinds of villages you do, of course, want to make sure you dress conservatively. 90003 90106 I hope this can help you plan to pack a little bit and prepare for your trip to India! 90107 90002 If you are gearing up for your big trip, please check out my ebook which is 100,000 words long (basically a novel) about the A to Z’s of traveling India.It’s 6 years of experience traveling here all wrapped up — with itineraries, maps, and tips on where to shop, eat, and chill in all the coolest towns in India. 90003 90002 Best, it has an FAQ section for everything from Uber to Visas where you can see around 50 reader questions, answered. You can buy it here or you can click here to read more about the book and a breakdown of the chapters. 90003 90072 90002 90026 DO NOT FORGET 90027 the two most important things to prepare for India which are 1.Travel Insurance and 2. Visas. I prefer World Nomads insurance (cheapest and Lonely Planet supports them) and for visas check ivisa.com to see what you need to do. If you are looking for a group tour to take I recommend the India tours on G Adventures. 90003 90099 90256 For more on preparing and packing for India please check out these articles: 90257 90002 If you will be spending a week or more in Goa (which I highly suggest) then do check out my $ 25 e-book. The Insider’s Guide to Goa is 170-pages long and will guarantee you have the best time in Goa, meet other travelers, and chill at all the coolest places.Click here to purchase. 90003 90017 90106 Pin «How to Dress in India» for Later! 90107 90002 90017 90003 90002 90106 90022 Related 90023 90107 90003 90017 90002 Join my email list and get exclusive updates & news straight to your inbox. 90003 90002 I will never give away, trade or sell your email address. You can unsubscribe at any time. 90003 90006 You have Successfully Subscribed! 90007.90000 Has Pink Always Been a «Girly» Color? 90001 90002 © Jamey Ekins / Dreamstime.com 90003 90004 If you see newborn babies at a hospital in the U.S., you’ll most likely see them in pink or blue outfits to mark their sex (often conflated with gender identity). Has the U.S. always used colors to signify boys or girls? The short answer is no. 90005 Pastel colors for baby clothing-including blue and pink-were introduced in the mid-19th century, and they did not become sex-specific colors until the 20th century.90006 A couple of different aspects affected the ultimate designation of pink for girls. 90007 90004 Back before pastels were popular for babies, most parents dressed their kids in white dresses until they were about six. Historian Jo B. Paoletti says this outfit was practical: white cotton could be easily bleached, and dresses allowed convenient access for diaper changing. Then pastel colors became a fad for babies. These pastels were not marketed to a certain sex: both boys and girls were dressed in a wide array of pastels, including blue and pink.90007 90004 At the beginning of the 20th century, some stores began suggesting «sex-appropriate» colors. In 1918 the trade publication 90011 Earnshaw’s Infants ‘Department 90012 claimed the «generally accepted rule is pink for the boys, and blue for the girls. The reason is that pink, being a more decided and stronger color, is more suitable for the boy, while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl. » Additionally, a 1927 issue of 90011 Time 90012 noted that large-scale department stores in Boston, Chicago, and New York suggested pink for boys.This trend of pink for boys was not as overwhelming as our current color-sex designation, however. 90007 90004 The baby boomers in the 1940s were the first to be dressed in the sex-specific clothing that Americans are familiar with today. Boys and girls were dressed like miniature men and women instead of uniformly in children’s dresses. Pink became the girls ‘color, blue the boys’. This trend in children’s clothing took a dip in the mid-1960s and 1970s owing to the women’s liberation movement.People who took part in this movement thought that dressing young girls in feminine or stereotypically «girly» clothing would limit the girls ‘opportunities for success, and many parents began favoring neutral colors and fashions. By the 1980s, however, gender-oriented kids clothing had come back into fashion strongly. Paoletti points to the invention of prenatal testing as the cause of this fad, since parents were able to learn (and subsequently emphasize) the sex of their baby before the baby’s birth.Also, clothes-washing technology began to allow cleaning and bleaching of colorful clothes without damage to the clothes ‘hues. 90007.90000 Answers of exercises: Answer of exercises 5 90001 1. A: Did you like the movie «Star Wars?» 90002 B: I do not know. I (see, never) 90003 have never seen 90004 that movie. 90005 2. Sam (arrive) 90003 arrived 90004 in San Diego a week ago. 90008 90005 3. My best friend and I (know) 90003 have knewn 90004 each other for over fifteen years. We still get together once a week. 90008 90005 4. Stinson is a fantastic writer. He (write) 90003 has written t 90004 en very creative short stories in the last year.One day, he’ll be as famous as Hemingway. 90008 90005 5. I (have, not) 90003 have not had 90004 this much fun since I (be) was a kid. 90008 90005 6. Things (change) 90003 have changed 90004 a great deal at Coltech, Inc. When we first (start) 90003 started 90004 working here three years ago, the company (have, only) 90003 has only had s 90004 ix employees. Since then, we (expand) 90003 have expanded 90004 to include more than 2000 full-time workers. 90008 90005 7. I (tell) 90003 told 90004 him to stay on the path while he was hiking, but he (wander) 90003 wandered 90004 off into the forest and (be) was bitten by a snake.90008 90005 8. Listen Donna, I do not care if you (miss) 90003 missed 90004 the bus this morning. You (be) 90003 have been 90004 late to work too many times. You are fired! 90008 90005 9. Sam is from Colorado, which is hundreds of miles from the coast, so he (see, never) 90003 has never seen 90004 the ocean. He should come with us to Miami. 90008 90005 10. How sad! George (dream) 90003 dreamt 90004 of going to California before he died, but he did not make it. He (see, never) 90003 never saw 90004 the ocean.90008 90005 11. In the last hundred years, traveling (become) 90003 has become 90004 much easier and very comfortable. In the 19th century, it (take) 90003 took 90004 two or three months to cross North America by covered wagon. The trip (be) 90003 was 90004 very rough and often dangerous. Things (change) have changed a great deal in the last hundred and fifty years. Now you can fly from New York to Los Angeles in a matter of hours. 90008 90005 12. Jonny, I can not believe how much you (change) 90003 have changed 90004 since the last time I (see) saw you.You (grow) 90003 have grown 90004 at least a foot! 90008 90005 13. This tree (be) 90003 was p 90004 lanted by the settlers who (found) 90003 founded 90004 our city over four hundred years ago. 90008 90005 14. This mountain (be, never) 90003 has never been 90004 climbed by anyone. Several mountaineers (try) 90003 have tried to 90004 reach the top, but nobody (succeed, ever) 90003 has ever succeeded. 90004 The climb is extremely difficult and many people (die) 90003 have died 90004 trying to reach the summit.90008 90005 15. I (visit, never) 90003 have never visited 90004 Africa, but I (travel) 90003 have travelled 90004 to South America several times. The last time I (go) 90003 went 90004 to South America, I (visit) 90003 visited 90004 Brazil and Peru. I (spend) 90003 spent t 90004 wo weeks in the Amazon, (hike) 90003 hiked 90004 for a week near Machu Picchu, and (fly) 90003 flew 90004 over the Nazca Lines. 90008.