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Логотипы промышленных компаний: Логотип промышленной компании (завода): фото, создать онлайн

Логотипы промышленных компаний: Логотип промышленной компании (завода): фото, создать онлайн

Создание логотипа компании «Производственные системы»

Заказчик: Мы — группа преподавателей, консультантов по управлению и стратегии (сейчас работаем в МГУ). Готовим к запуску проект под именем PDCA. Суть проекта — помощь в решении бизнес-проблем через консультационную работу, организацию обучения. Портфель услуг, собственно, это консультационная поддержка развития, учебные офлайн- и онлайн-программы. В качестве основы для развития, принципов и ценностей, мы используем систему глубинных знаний Деминга. Собственное PDCA — это нормативный цикл обучения, цикл развития, цикл управления любой организацией, видом деятельности. Уже много лет есть некоммерческий проект deming.ru, но его таким решили оставить, запустив новый.

Есть набросок сайта, в нем же базовый, «рабочий» вариант логотипа, суть и идея которого — любое знание и деятельность системны и тесно переплетены, как ткань. Запустить проект планируем в домене pdca.ru, однако наша деятельность, в основном, офлайн.


То, что нами движет, и каким образом мы понимаем свое предназначение, можно сформулировать следующим образом: мы помогаем бизнесу, ответственному по отношению к своим сотрудникам и государству, становиться эффективнее за счет предоставления лучших в мире знаний и экспертизы в области эффективного управления. Заказчики наших программ — это в основном средние компании, которые переросли предпринимательскую стадию и нуждаются в организации профессионального управления. Это руководители компаний, в основном производственных, хотя в последнее время достаточное количество из сервисных, финансовых. Возраст 30–50 лет, медиана 38.


Вместе с тем задача, которую мы решаем прежде всего, — это не информирование или научение, а постановка мышления руководителям. Мышления системного, мышления неравнодушия к неэффективности бизнеса, к неэффективно взаимоотношений в организации, к манипуляции и страху как основному методу управления.

Повышение эффективности — непрерывный, цикличный процесс, который развивается по спирали. Стадии в этой спирали всего четыре: планирование (plan), организания (do), мониторинг (check), действия по улучшению (act). Цикл PDCA — базовый в повышении эффективности. Важно, чтобы в логотипе был текст, название нашего проекта — «Производственные системы». Хотелось бы, конечно, иметь символ, визуальный образ. Нравится цветной стиль, вроде https://www.artlebedev.ru/school1794/process/. Здорово, если бы получилось как-то спираль развития PDCA с текстом «Производственные системы» . Хотя, наверное, непрофессионально с дизайнерами таким образов общаться 🙂 Заранее прошу прощения.

Поскольку основной инструмент создания ценности у нас — это учебные программы и ключевая их составляющая — учебные материалы в цифровой и аналоговой форме: статьи, методички, задания (практикумы), электронные курсы. Думаю, что в дальнейшем можно будет сделать и дизайн сайта в опоре на стиль (так ведь делают?).

Дизайнер 1:

Арт-директор: Скучновато. Банальновато. В общем-то, все хуйня.

Дизайнер 4:

Арт-директор: Вот 9 под углом наверх могло бы быть ОК.

Дизайнер 4: А может?

Арт-директор: Ты пешком под стол ходила, когда я такую хуету рисовал: https://www.artlebedev.ru/russianoffice/

Ясно-ясно, развиваем девятый вариант.

Арт-директор: Вот, годное направление. Берем. Попробуй в 29 сделать D либо треугольной, либо полукруглой. А то как О читается.

Думаем над стилем, а также над дополнительными элементами.

Уточняем форму знака.

Арт-директор: ОК.

Просим шрифтовика помочь со текстовой частью и готовим анонс.

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Авторские права

Вы получаете права на личное и коммерческое использование логотипа, а также на регистрацию торговой марки.

90000 The 10 Best Industrial Logos 90001 90002 Industrial logos are all around us. Every day, these logos impact us somehow, whether it’s when we drive down a busy street and are surrounded by company and business identities or when we surf the Internet, viewing various industrial websites or advertisements. 90003 90002 By definition, a logo is a symbol or other design adopted by an organization to identify its products, uniforms, vehicles, etc. But in today’s fast paced, high-tech world, a logo does so much more.90003 90002 I would argue that a logo is the single most important part of a company or brand. Why? 90003 90002 Well, according to this infographic, the average consumer has an attention span of 8 seconds when it comes to viewing webpages. That means a company has very little time to capture a customer’s attention. That’s not a lot of time! 90003 90002 However, industrial logos — as a form of shorthand for identifying a company — are uniquely positioned to take advantage of this opportunity.To make the most of this limited window, a logo should not only look appealing, it should encompass a company’s entire essence. A company’s name, identity, and even its work environment can be communicated through this single graphic element. 90003 90002 So, how do you make a great industrial logo, you ask? While anyone with knowledge of the Adobe Suite can take a crack at it, there are a few solid guidelines that will produce an effective logo time and time again. But be warned — really implementing these criteria will take time, focus, and talent! 90003 90014 90015 90016 Simple 90017 — A simply designed logo allows for easy recognition.Take the KISS principle to heart when designing industrial logos: Keep It Simple, Stupid. (No, I’m not calling you stupid. KISS is a method that contends that logos perform better when they feature a simple design rather than a complex one.) 90018 90015 90016 Memorable 90017 — Remember how consumers have a shorter attention span than a goldfish? This element goes hand in hand with simplicity in that a logo has to capture a consumer’s attention and make a lasting impression. How often do you remember sub-par industrial logos? Probably not as often as you remember the really, really good ones (or the really, really bad ones).90018 90015 90016 Timeless 90017 — A logo should be able to endure the ages. Simple as that. 90018 90015 90016 Versatile 90017 — You may or may not realize it, but industrial logos can have many different uses. The logo you see on the side of a building may not be the same version that you see on a company’s letterhead. Logos must be flexible so they can be utilized in many different formats. This kind of versatility can involve size and scalability, color vs. black and white, or being reversed out on a colored background.90018 90015 90016 Unique 90017 — Do you really want your industrial logo to look like your competitor’s? Did not think so. 90018 90015 90016 Intentional 90017 — Every aspect of your logo should be carefully thought out, from color choice to typeface. Brainstorming sessions, research, and mindmaps can all help you land on a great, thoughtful industrial logo. 90018 90039 90002 To illustrate how these principles can be applied to create great logos, here is our list of the ten best industrial logos.90003 90042 90043 3M 90044 90045 90046 90002 Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing, better known as 3M, is the poster child for a simple logo. Since its logo first appeared in 1906 року, it has undergone very little design change. The current logo has been around since the 1970s and is a great example of simplicity and timelessness. 90003 90042 90043 Pepsico 90044 90045 90053 90002 The global food and beverage manufacturer produces so much more than the soda. The thoughtful choice in coloring makes this logo bold yet inviting.90003 90042 90043 Dow 90044 90045 90060 90002 Another excellent example of a timeless logo featuring bold, red-and-white coloring and a simple company name, Dow’s logo has been around since 1897. 90003 90042 90043 General Electric 90044 90045 90067 90002 General Electric got its start in 1892 and since then its logo has changed very little. The hand-drawn look of GE has lasted over a century. Talk about timeless! 90003 90042 90043 Apple 90044 90045 90074 90002 Since 1976, this apple with a bite taken out of it has represented a technological company that has changed lives.Simple, memorable, timeless, unique, intentional. . . you name it. Read more about the famous Apple logo here. 90003 90042 90043 Caterpillar 90044 90045 90081 90002 This industrial logo is a great example of one that communicates emotion, all with just two simple colors. The yellow color in the logo represents joy and optimism while the black color stands for excellence and power. Pretty spot on for a machinery manufacturer, do not you think? 90003 90042 90043 BASF 90044 90045 90088 90002 This German-based chemical producer provides a great example of a versatile logo.While their original logo is white text on a gold background, the company provides many other options for use of its logo. For example, the BASF branch in the United States uses a logo with white text on a blue background. 90003 90042 90043 ExxonMobil 90044 90045 90095 90002 This logo has an intentional meaning that you may not even realize. The two X’s in Exxon were crossed in an effort to symbolize their reliability. 90003 90042 90043 Milwaukee Tool 90044 90045 90102 90002 This company has, without a doubt, a unique logo.The combination of a striking typeface underlined by a lightning bolt makes this tool company hard to forget. 90003 90042 90043 Mitsui & Co. 90044 90045 90109 90002 This black-and-white logo is the epitome of simplicity. Founded in Japan in тисяча вісімсот сімдесят шість, this automobile manufacturer has offices all over the world but clearly conveys its historical roots with its logo’s homage to Japanese lettering. 90003 90042 Industrial Logos Are Just the Beginning 90045 90002 It does not stop there, folks.Along with a strong logo, a company must also pay close attention to many other aspects of a brand. On the surface, other things to consider are taglines and slogans. Digging deeper, one needs to think about the tone of one’s messaging, a compelling mission statement, branding consistency and, most importantly, a strong and genuine connection to one’s customers. 90003 90002 If you do not have your customers ‘trust, you have very little. When all is said and done, having a solid industrial brand — of which your logo is just a part — is about leaving a lasting impression.90003 90118 .90000 How To Generate Business Name Ideas For Industrial & Manufacturing Companies 90001 90002 Last updated on November 22nd, 2019 90003 90002 Industrial & manufacturing companies are plenty in a given niche. They all are your fierce competitors. To grab a significant market share, therefore, your new business must make heads turn to your products. While you will be planning a marketing campaign at a later stage, start with choosing a perfect company name today that defines your business precisely for potential customers.90003 90002 The field of industrial and manufacturing covers all the products that you have or heard about. This also implies that there are thousands of manufacturing units in a city. It also means that the industry and manufacturing activity can be categorized in numerous sects and sub-sects. In other words, there’s a fierce competition in any given market, especially for the new manufacturing company. Unless your new unit is unique in many ways, the chances of survival and growth will be very low.90003 90002 As your manufacturing unit grows up, it will plan to enter in new markets. But for that, you will have to plan at a later stage. First, think of taking those initial steps when your business is yet to take shape. You will probably start by giving a name to your enterprise. In fact, naming a company is one of the first crucial steps to take as it has the potential to make or break your business. 90003 90002 But naming a company is not that easy. Contrary to the saying that what is in the name, there is actually a lot in it as far as a business is concerned.This is because customers know a company by its name. Therefore, it’s imperative for entrepreneurs to pick a marketing-friendly business name. 90003 90002 If you take a closure look at global manufacturing company names, you find that they all are unique and simple. Take for examples the names such as General Motors, BEA Systems, ChemChina, Pfizer, Rolls-Royce, Tesla, General Electric, Foxconn, and Airbus. These are simple names, but people associate great businesses with them. You should come out with one such business name that sounds great but is easy-to-pronounce.But the naming process requires you to have some patience as it will take time. 90003 90002 Here is a list of Industrial Manufacturing Business Name Ideas for your new startup. 90003 90016 Industrial Manufacturing Business Name Ideas 90017 90002 1. GreenStar Electronics 90003 90002 2. Elite 90003 90002 3. ESOX Steel 90003 90002 4. Fisson Heavy Industries 90003 90002 5. Ibex Automotive Group 90003 90002 6. Mogul Ltd 90003 90002 7. Space Electrics 90003 90002 8. Vortex Heavy Industries 90003 90002 9.Spur Manufacturing 90003 90002 10. Cogmatic Manufacturers 90003 90016 Here Are The Essential Tips To Follow When Naming Your Manufacturing Company 90017 90040 01. It Should Be An Original Name 90041 90002 Make it clear that the name you pick is entirely different from your competitors ‘business names. That should compel you to first take a look at other company names in your niche of the industry. Make a list of those names to ensure that your company name stands out. 90003 90002 So, first, avoid the names that sound similar to other company names already in the market.Try to come up with a unique name that people can easily pronounce and remember. But being original does not mean a scary and weird name. Just keep it simple. 90003 90002 To get an original, simple, and memorable name, explore some keywords using free keyword tools available on the web. Just type a keyword relevant to your industry and business in the search field, and you get many name ideas. You can also consult some books and a dictionary. 90003 90002 Another trick is to play with the words.Mix and match two to three words to have one unique name. For example, Sole Man is the company that does shoe repairing and Spoon Me is a frozen yogurt brand. 90003 90002 An original and simple name matters from the design point of view as well. Remember that you will need a lot of marketing material and visual identities such as logos. So, a unique name will also look great on your 90051 manufacturing company logo design 90052. A complicated name will only confuse your potential customers. 90003 90054 Looking For an Industrial Logo Design? 90055 90002 We have helped thousands of business owners from all around the world with their graphic design needs such as a logo design, website design, social media posts, banner design and much more.90057 Get Your Industrial Logo DesignGet a Free Quote 90003 90059 90040 02. Avoid Initials And Acronyms 90041 90002 Another critical aspect to note here is that you should avoid using initial as your company name. Since your company is a new entity, people may not interpret what exactly you deal in just by its initials. Similarly, avoid using acronyms also as most of them do not make much sense to your potential customers. So, steer clear of them. 90003 90002 Moreover, make sure that your 90051 industrial logo design 90052 speaks well for what your company manufactures.If initials are used in the logo, that may not be able to communicate your brand message to the consumers. 90003 90059 90040 03. Ignore Ultra-Specific Names 90041 90002 Picking a too specific name is also not advisable. If the name of the products that you’ll be manufacturing appear as your company name, then it will not sound good. People just do not like such names as these are speaking about business. 90003 90002 So, avoid ultra-specific names that are directly connected to a specific product or service.A disadvantage of such names is that you will be changing them later when your business grows with new products added to it. 90003 90002 Also, your 90051 graphic designer 90052, who is responsible for creating your logo, business cards, websites, etc, will also get a clue from the name. So, a name that is too obvious and specific also will not look good on your design items. 90003 90040 04. Pick A Name That Is Future-Proof 90041 90002 As your manufacturing unite grows and adds more products to its fold, you will be reaching out to many new markets.This will result in covering a new set of customers under your marketing plans. Will the present name you picked up still be representing your business? You should precisely answer that question before selecting a name. 90003 90002 For example, if your company makes women’s shoes and picks a name related to these shoes, will such name still be appropriate when you start making male shoes? No, not at all! And, most probably you’ll change the name. Such a name will also be a hurdle in building your company’s brand identity.So, consider future growth of your business as well. 90003 90040 05. Test It Extensively 90041 90002 Make sure that before finally implementing the name, you have tested it in different mediums. There are many online and offline platform where a name gets written in many ways. So, put the name in your different 90051 graphic designs 90052 such as business cards and logos. Draft it in an email signature. See how it looks on a big banner or a small surface. 90003 90040 06. It Should Be SEO-Friendly 90041 90002 In the modern digital world, industrial and manufacturing companies target online audience.They want people to find their business easily on Google and other major search engines. Just as a potential customer types a keyword relevant to your business, your company must come up at the top of the search results. That way, your company will be instantly visible and clickable for the customers. 90003 90002 That can happen when your company name is SEO-friendly. This means that there should be keywords related to your industry and manufacturing in your company name. So, the name not only should look great on your 90051 manufacturing logo 90052 but it helps in search engine optimization of your business.Such names are also useful and result-oriented when you make a marketing strategy. 90003 90040 07. Get The Second Opinion 90041 90002 A second opinion is always better to take in any field of business. Even if your team has pinpointed a name and you also like it, take the second opinion. It can come from anyone such as your friends, social circle, neighbors, your followers on social media, and so on. 90003 90002 If you come across a name that sounds better due to feedback, think about it. Even if your logo designer is in the midst of designing the logo, you can tell that someone has suggested a better name.So, at whichever stage of the naming process you are in, welcome all suggestions coming from even some unexpected sources. 90003 90040 08. It Should Be Available As A Domain Name 90041 90002 Now that you have picked the name, find out if it is available as a domain name. A domain name is essential for modern businesses to take their products or services to online customers. You will build a website for your manufacturing company with the help of 90051 graphic design services 90052 of a professional.This should prompt you to have your company name as a domain of your business. It serves as your online address of the company and its business. 90003 90002 There are sites such as GoDaddy where you can check the availability of the domain name you wish to have for your company. In case the domain is already booked, contact the owner and see if you can buy it. Moreover, see if adding some a word such as ‘get’, ‘app’ etc., can make the domain name available. 90003 90059 90040 09. Register It 90041 90002 Once your selected company name is available as a domain, do not rest there.In this competitive world, many other companies are also looking for unique names and domain. Any delay in registering the name will result in someone grabbing it. Then, you will be starting the naming process all of again. So, register your manufacturing company’s name right away with the federal or state authorities, whichever is applicable. 90003 90002 Another reason for registering the name is that you need it as your trademark. You will 90051 create a logo 90052 as your visual identity of a business.The logo will have your company name, and together it will make your trademark. To register the name and logo for trademark, visit the U.S site tmsearch.uspto.gov. In Canada, visit ic.gc.ca, and in the UK, the site is gov.uk. 90003 90002 So, consider these essential tips to have a market-friendly name for your manufacturing company. The naming process will take its own time to complete. Sometimes, a name strikes your mind, and you like it so much that you finalize it immediately. But most of the times, you have to brainstorm.90003 90002 After naming your business, you will need plenty of design items such as business cards, logo, websites, brochures, etc. For these designs, your startup can depend on 90051 Designhill 90052, a prominent marketplace that has hundreds of designers in its fold. Many of them will create a design as per your brief so that you have many design ideas to choose from. 90003 Are You Looking for a New Graphic Designer? If Yes, Call Us on + 1-855-699-2851 [times for calling 9am to 6pm EST (US)] or Register for a Free Design Consultation 90040 Conclusion 90041 90002 Industrial and manufacturing companies should be named appropriately so that the audience can know about the business from the name itself.So, know your competitors ‘business names, your mission statement and message, brainstorm, and get feedback to have a name that stands out. 90003 90002 Get Your Industrial Logo Design 90003.90000 Construction Company Logos | 12 Best Examples 90001 90002 90003 90004 We love working with construction companies and have the privilege to make some very cool construction company logos — and logos for blue-collar companies in general. 90005 To stay inspired in our work, and to help inspire your next project — I thought we could curate 21+ examples of amazing construction company logos and a short paragraph about what they do well. 90006 90003 The principles that make a construction company logo effective are it’s ability to convey the ‘unique competitive advantage’ of the business (a feeling or symbol that represents what they do that’s special), it’s ability to retain its shape and overall feel when presented only in grayscale and in 1-color print (like on hats and shirts), and it’s ability to look good at any size.If it can look good in one color only, and at large and tiny sizes — it’s more likely to have an «icon» style shape that can withstand any application — and still be «iconic.» 90006 90009 So without further ado — here are the contenders: 90010 90003 90012 90006 90003 90006 90003 90004 1. Blue Ladder Construction Logo 90005 — Simple in it’s symbol, I think of the ladder both as a tool for the job to get done — but also as the custom home the clients are about to build (or the renovations they are about to do) are a «step up,» as well as a commercial construction logo idea — the new office space or commercial space could be a «step up», as well.Design by us! Check out our other work Hook Agency — Custom logo design 90006 90003 90006.90000 industrial | LogoMoose — Logo Inspiration 90001 90002 GT85 is a company providing innovative and comprehensive technology solutions for the industry. General concept was to create a transparent, industrial and technological identity. Unrealized project. • • • Full view and description on https://www.behance.net/gallery/29066969/GT85 • • • Follow us on www.instagram.com/triptic.pl 90003 0 90002 Logo and Branding for a protective industrial clothing line.90003 0 90002 PVG — Perfect Valve Group. Industrial fittings. 90003 1 90002 logo inspired by leaves and grids 🙂 90003 1 90002 Logo for an industrial paint which has an unique component that makes it last longer. 90003 0 90002 Heleen Oomen is a photographer and digital artist with generally industrial themes. 90003 0 90002 A brute strength, style logo for a industrial company. 90003 11 90002 Logo I’ve designed for local textile print workshop focused on printing music, games, movies, web and pop culture oriented merchandise.90003 0 90002 Honeycombes® services John Deere machinery, industrial machinery and sell and service Mazda and GM automotive brands in rural Australia. 90003 0 90002 This logo is for a completely fictitious entity named Three Nuts General Contractors. 90003 90002 The idea for this brand came to me when I was out and about in the world, and saw a contractor’s work van drive by. As I looked at the number 3 in the telephone number on the van, I started thinking about how a cleverly constructed 3 could reveal a wrench in negative space.90003 90002 Using a hexagonal bolt nut as my main source of inspiration, I thought of a whimsical name which would support the concept I had in mind. In this hypothetical situation, the «Three Nuts» could be a team of three general contractors. 90003 90002 The icon is built from the angles of the bolt nut, and the entire mark should evoke a heavy industrial feel; something that could be stamped into metal, etched into wood, or simply affixed on the side of a work van. 90003 90002 Click here to see the case study for this logo, which chronicles its development, and includes full design rationale, sketches, electronic roughs, and alternate designs.90003 0 90002 Approved logo for a manufacturing company in Botswana. They make leather school shoes and industrial leather wear, belts, camping and some leather products for outdoor use. 90003 0 .

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